Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Cabin 4 Elite: Overnight at Copperas Pond

The Elite went on its first overnight hike away from the Camp Montserrat campsite. There was a different atmosphere at camp in the morning. Many people from the Elite were anxious and excited. Though we have been to Copperas Pond in the past, none of us has ever been on an overnight hike. The Elite had to miss a various amount of activities that the rest of the campers had to do such as inspection and pool (activities that pleased some campers but annoyed others). While inspection, the Elite were packing the necessities they needed for the trip. After Lunch the campers said goodbye and farewell and the Elite were off to the first overnight hike of Camp Montserrat 2010.
The trail to Copperas Pond is a very tough trail mainly because of its steepness. It was especially hard because of the things we had to bring such as food, sleeping bags, swimming equipment, etc. It was tough but the Elite stuck it out and made it to the pond. Once the Elite got there, they went to the campsite and changed into their bathing suits to begin swimming. A select few campers of the cabin jumped off the big rock into the pond. These campers were Siree K., Christian R., Andrew S. and Sergio V. Once the jumping was over and the sun was finally setting, the campers began to play a game called manhunt (which is a mixture of both Tag and Hide-and-Seek). Sergio V. eventually won both games we played. After, we ate foil dinners (a camping dinner stored and heated in aluminum foil) that taste better than it sounds. When we were done we all began collecting birch bark to strengthen the fire. Once the fire was nice and hot, we began toasting marshmallows (many of us preferred a burnt one but I liked mines golden brown. We all had about 4 each which only meant one thing… none of us went to sleep!!! We all stayed up until 11:45pm telling stories and cracking jokes until, one by one, we slowly fell in to a deep sleep.
In the morning we all packed up and helped out cleaning up the campsite. The Elite eventually left the campsite at around 6:45am and got back to Camp Montserrat. During Inspection we spent time unpacking and washing up (us all smelt like eggs when we came back).
All in all it was a fun day. It was a great way to start Week 5.

Posted by: Osaze W.

1 comment:

  1. thats not fair. we never got to do that kind of stuff


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