Today started off with breakfast. After that we went to inspection, my cabin the Elite ended up getting a nine. Today we finally got a three for teamwork, after that we got ready for mass, then we went to the main hall where Mr.Arte talked about the new theme of the week which was being religious, and then he announced the four honorable mentions.
When Mr.Arte announced the honorable mention I wasn’t surprise that Elvin, David and Christian got honors but then he said my name, Chris .In my head I was like “what I got honors.” It was weird because it was my first time getting honors. The reason I got honors was because throughout the week my attitude was changing, and also because I was starting my work earlier than others. My next goal is to get camper of the week.
Posted by Chris M.
Hi Cristian!!!!!! It's ME liza!! ; ) I miss u baby bro! Congrats on the honors! I'm so proud of u yet at same time not surprised. I know ur capable of so much. Luv u. Talk to u soon.