Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 25: July 21

Today was a normal day we had breakfast. After breakfast we then went to inspection. After inspection we had to go to our first class and The Cavaliers didn’t have silent reading because we were going hiking. My favorite part was when we, The Cavaliers, went to hike Whiteface.
The Cavaliers, my cabin, hiked a mountain called, Whiteface. We got to hike the mountain because we are the fastest hiking group and we wanted to take the challenge. Normally, we hiked up, but we could not because there was another storm coming in two hours and we could not make down in time. So, we went an elevator, into a tunnel, and took a cab down the mountain. After everyone came safely down the mountain, we met up with Mr. Arte so he could give us money to go to a mouth watery tasty ice cream place called, “Mount Mist.” Everybody had a nice time at Mount Mist and were happy we made it down the mountain safely.

Posted by: Jeremy and Kenneth P.

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