Everybody was happy for the people that passed the Deep Water Test. For lunch, we ate pizza! After that we got to chill in our cabins for rest period. After that, everyone started to play a game in group activities. My Cabin played Man-Hunt. Towards the end of the game, David and I were the last one to survive not getting caught! We all had a nice time when Father Jack came up here to visit for the weekend. Father Jack had lots of things to talk about and everyone was paying close attention. Later on, each Cabin had to come up with a dance at the pool to see which game to play in the pool. The winner of the dance off was The Navigation! They came up with a dance that the Judges was impressed by their effort.
As I was in the shallow part of the pool, some campers were taking the Deep Water Test! I could see people struggling to finish. The smell was like chlorine and sweat mixed together. Yuck if you ask me! The splashing and thrashing of the water was intense! While they were swimming, they were taking mouthful of water. Much of them were getting tired, but they were getting encouraged by the staff and campers. Once they finished a stroke, they would touch the handle of the pool, take long breaths, and take off into the water. Once all the strokes were completed, they will have to tread water for thirty minutes. We would do a ten second count down so they could get excited. After the counselors would jump inside the pool and throw the campers around for completing the test.
Posted by: Kenneth P.
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